Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is the Burke trip in jeopardy?

We are under a mega flood watch or something like that right now. It has been raining since Friday morning and does not look like it is supposed to let up til Monday or Tuesday. Plus the rain that is falling is really wet. They are calling for a couple to a few inches of it or more. Imagine if that was all snow??? In a couple of months we'll be calling these storms Nor'easters.

Problem is that Kingdom Trails will close if it is too wet. That will be a real bummer, guess it could be worse, this weekend was the other option when it was being planned. That would have been a washout for sure.

I got out for a good nightride a few days ago. First time riding in the dark since crashing on my head and beaking my helmet at the 24 Hrs of Great Glen.

On Thursday I snuck out for a good ride at lunch with Chris and we rode the Sidehill Trail including the new section. It is a very nice new bit of trail. Somebody put in some serious time doing some nice trail work.

The trail is much better heading South on it than going North. There are some cool rock outcroppings to ride and a very large boulder to go up and over for those who dare, not me. The trail dumps you out at the Redstone Quarry which is a pretty cool spot with lots of granite and history.

With all the rain I started to build up my new (well new to me) Cannondale road frame. Got to a point where I realized that I needed all new cables and decided to take it to the Red Jersey to let them finish it off and get the derailures all set up right.


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