Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey ride

A1 and I got out for a good loop on Sunday that had both of us flashing back to the various times during the Jay race. We weren't out there that long, just over an hour, but I took him up Gulf Road which is a gravel road that just climbs and climbs for a couple of miles. It's not that a couple of miles is a really long climb- around here you can find lots of climbs that are five miles or more long, it was the way this climbed- steep and false horizon lines that you would get to only to see another huge pitch. But it was worth it, the view from the top is one of the best in the Valley- looking down on Conway Lake, the Rockpile is right there, the Moats, and every other mountain you can think of. Good ride. We then cruised down and connected into Poter Road and both were amazed at the old farms and amazing stone walls out off the beaten path. Beautiful country out there and only a few minutes from the craziness of North Conway.

Now let's do that same loop in the dark!


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