Thursday, September 28, 2006


The Rig is in working order once again. Big shout out to Carl at the Red Jersey the shop as he took goo care of me. It's always fun to see your frame locked into a bench vise with a guy putting a foot up on the bench and pulling with all his might. But he got the damn this straight- I was impressed.

While I was there I picked up a 38t chain ring for the cross bike- so I'll try running a 38x17 and see how that works. I've been running a 34x17 and was spinning it out. Had intended to go with a 40 but Carl didn't have one in stock- time will tell!

On the random side of things- found this rant while cruising a couple blogs and it cracked me up! rant

Played golf last night with my grandmother- had a ball, I even hit par on two holes! We'll have to see if I go another 12 or so years before playing again. Tonight is the finals of the fall trail running series- A1 should be up there to wipe me off the course again.

Let's go for a ride!


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