Monday, October 23, 2006


It's here. Had the first ride of the fall season where the conditions just sucked- and it was great. K calls me around 7:55, "it's snowing, and I just saw town trucks with plows and they are sanding- don't ride in"- Ok I said.

Told Lillo to grab her bag and we headed out the door to the neighbors. She went inside and Sammy looked at me like I was nuts, "you two have a good day at school"

Off I went. It was raining pretty hard in ctr conway and the temps were cool, but I had on the snivel gear and was very comfortable. As I got closer to town the water drops switched over to snowflakes and the wet slop had built up a touch on the road. I was getting good splash and spray from the cars and knew that a few of the folks driving the other way (that I recognized) were shaking their heads wondering what I was thinking.

Ahhh the fun you can have commuting. Really no story here, just the reminder that getting out on your bike no matter what the weather is a good thing.

By the way I picked up a pair of those Knog single LED lights from Bikeman, someone I work with drove up behind me and was impressed my the light, even more so when he saw it in person. It's that time of year people- make sure your visible out there.


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