Monday, August 06, 2007

Good news, bad news

I met with the Orthopedic Surgeon on Friday and got another set of X-Rays. Its never good to see the x-ray tech looking at the x-rays and grimacing and then asking you, "doesn't that hurt?" before she hands them to the Doc. So the fractured radius has not healed, the fractured bone is still 3mm displaced. I'm supposed to get another set of x-rays in 3 more weeks to hopefully see some bone growth there, if not I might have to go under the knife and get the bone removed.

The good news is that despite the bad news I was cleared to begin riding again, so long as I don't crash. That's a tall order. Unfortunately its too close to the 24 Hrs of GG to get ready so I will still be in the pits, but it will be nice to be able to get back on the bike and peddle some. I am beginning to feel a bit mushy after not riding in 3 weeks. I was hoping to get on the roads this afternoon but as luck would have it we are having a major rain storm. Didn't think riding in the rain in my condition would be too smart. There's always tomorrow.


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