Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Anyone doing anything July 29th?

There's a race that day, over at Jay Peak in Vermont that day I hear. Wondered if anyone was up for a little ride? I seem to recall at least a couple people talking about doing it again (or finishing it) after last year's race. Registration opens tomorrow, March 1, 2007 for the Jay Challenge. Who's in?



weak and feeble said...

Is that a little bit of a call out for nk and powderjew? Hmmmm.


Dennis said...

yes sir it is.

weak and feeble said...

you can both bite me... i've already signed up for another stupid "test my body" event that doesn't involve mechanical devices that will break on me.

Dennis said...

That sounds like a complete cop out. It also is quite a departure from the absolute statmetns of coming back next summer to take another go at Jay. I guess NK is going to bowling camp and considers that the same at doing Jay. Who are we to question his veracity.

weak and feeble said...

fine. i simply don't want to put the hours in that it's going to take to be fit enough to complete Jay. and i want riding my bike to be fun, not a chore, or obligation.

Dennis said...

At least thats a more honest answer.

mikeyd said...

Well either, way, I am signing up for the race. I will see whatever members of the TWAF who are riding at the race....